How To Dye Hair Extensions? Step By Step

Dyeing your hair extensions can look a lot trickier if you have never gotten it done before. But that's not always the case—we will show you that.
In this post, we will discuss the steps for dyeing hair extensions. You should check them out.
Staying and wearing hair extensions you don't find pleasing and appealing can be a struggle. However, for those who love to take the plunge, like a change of look, or want to save a little, that isn't about to become a problem because dyeing it themselves is always a solution.
If that's you, you'll find this post useful. From the dos and don'ts when dyeing hair extensions to the steps, everything is below.
So, take your time to read through this post before going ahead and dyeing your hair extensions at home.
Can You Dye Hair Extensions?

Of course, you can dye your hair extensions. However, this is limited to quality human hair extensions as dyeing synthetic hairs will only lead to disaster. They can't withstand the dyeing process because they've already been chemically treated.
So, if you’ll be getting synthetic hair extensions, buy them in a color you love.
On the other hand, natural human hairs can withstand this process. But as we mentioned, they must be made from high-quality human hair. For instance, extensions such as Remy hair will look phenomenal after dyeing.
And while you can dye them, you can only darken them. What we mean is, most times, you won't be able to lighten your hair extensions. Hairstylists don't also advise lightening your hair extensions. Because to do that, you have to bleach your hair extensions, which can make them useless.
Speak to your hairstylist further about this matter. They can tell you the best way to get the desired color.
However, if you're dyeing it darker or just altering the tone, those are more straightforward than lightening or highlighting which damage your extensions.
Dyeing Hair Extensions: Dos and Don'ts

The dyeing process can be a bit challenging for a beginner. If you aren't bold enough to take such a step, then getting it done in a salon is better. But if you love daring actions and want to save some cash, don't worry; we'll help you make this a success.
Here are the dos and don'ts you should follow when dyeing your hair extensions;
1. Always do a strand test
Never assume your dye will give you the result you want. It's always important to test a strand to see what the color you chose looks like. Sometimes, it might look awful or not be how you imagined it.
Doing the strand test will save you from making a huge mistake or will tell you if you can go ahead with it.
How do you do this test? Apply a small amount of the dye to a part of the weft. Once you've applied, rinse it off to see how it looks. You may need to switch the dye color until you get the shade.
2. Always divide your hair extensions into sections
You can get a gorgeous result if you color your hair extensions in sections. Don't try dyeing them altogether. That can cause clumps. Go in sections if it'll be easier for you. You'll appreciate the outcome once you're done.
3. Don't use more than 20 volumes of hydrogen peroxide.
Although we inform you to get quality human hair extensions if you plan to dye them, at times, those quality hair extensions have passed through little processing, and using more than 20 volumes of hydrogen peroxide will not give you what you desire.
So, it's much better if you use cream peroxide developers since they are gentler with human hair. They won't make the hair extensions dry further while dyeing or harm it if it's lighter.
Now, let's get into coloring your hair extensions.
Step by Step: How to Dye Hair Extensions

Step 1: Choose a Color
Go for a color you consider right. We advise you to get it from a professional hair color and developer line instead of a drug store. That way, you can select from many shades and get the perfect shade you will love.
A 10-volume developer or demi-permanent color is always the best. A 20-volume developer is also fine but stay away from 30- and 40-volume developers because they can damage your hair extensions.
We are not sure if we can say this enough, but leave it to the pros if you want to achieve a complicated effect or are not certain you can do this yourself.
Step 2: Gather Other Supplies Necessary
Apart from the hair dye, you need other tools like a color bowl, hair color gloves, plastic wrap, tin foil, a brush, a towel, and a wide-tooth comb.

Dyeing can get messy, so you should have your tools around when you want to start coloring. That way, you avoid staining the whole place with the dye or looking for a tool once you begin. You can also spread a sheet of tin foil over the area you'll use. It helps when you need to clean your space after dyeing your hair extensions.
Step 3: Prepare Your Hair
Following the manufacturer's instructions, prepare your hair extensions accordingly. Some advise you to wash your hair extensions before coloring them. If that's the case, follow their directions before you do anything else.
You don't have to rub the extensions when washing. It can get them tangled. Just hold them on top and submerge them into your shampoo mixture.
Get them dry after washing and rinsing and set them aside.
Step 4: Mix Color

Most hair dyes are made by mixing equal parts of color and developer. If that's what the instructions say, follow it for a good result.
Note that you'll need about three to five ounces of color for your hair extensions. However, if your hair is long, you may need to get more. It depends on the length of your hair extensions. Just be sure you have enough hair dye before you color your hair extensions.
Step 5: Apply the Color
Put on your gloves and get to coloring. Make sure you do a strand test before you saturate the dye completely.
Here's the easiest way you can go about coloring your extensions;
Divide them into sections. Then, use your brush to apply the dye to the hair, starting from the top and moving to the ends. Make sure you coat both sides completely before moving to the other sections.
Remember that you mustn't make any mistakes here. So, use your dye as much as you want. You can't afford to be stingy with it.
Step 6: Let it Process
Once you've applied the dye to all your wefts, cover them with a plastic wrap. It doesn't have to be tight, do this loosely. This will prevent the color from drying before it soaks into the hair.
Now let this stay for 20 to 40 minutes, according to what the instructions say before unwrapping them. You should set them and let them process at standard room temperature for that amount of time.
But always check on them every five to 10 minutes by gently rubbing a paper towel over some strand of hair. Reapply the color with your brush after doing this and let it stay till the time is complete.
Step 7: Rinse Your Hair Extensions

Check on your hair extensions again. If you're satisfied with the outcome this time, rinse them thoroughly.
You are to use cool water with low pressure to rinse (it's not cold water). While you rinse, run your fingers through to work out the excess dye.
The water should flow in the way the hair extensions fall naturally—from the top to the bottom.
Keep rinsing for about 15 to 20 minutes or until the color is completely removed. If you don't think the color is gone, keep rinsing until you're sure.
Follow with your shampoo afterward. Make sure it's sulfate-free, mild, color-safe and moisturizing. This should keep the color intact and restore all the moisture lost.
Step 8: Dry Your Hair Extensions and Comb
Next, squeeze your hair extensions to remove the excess water, then lay them on a towel to dry. You can pat them gently with the other side of the towel. However, do not rub them with it.
Apply your leave-in conditioner after doing this and brush using your wide-tooth comb. But your hair extensions should be damp or mostly dry when you decide to brush them. This is to avoid shedding.
The last step is to leave it to air-dry completely before styling it with your heat-styling tools. Be sure you also use heat protectant before you style to protect your wefts.
If you have interest to learn how to care for your hair extensions, step intou our another blog here.
Final Words
Do you think you can take up the challenge and dye your hair extensions yourself? From our steps, it's not so difficult to do alone. Just be sure you're coloring quality human hair extensions, dyeing it to a darker shade, and follow our steps carefully. It'll be an easy task for you, trust us.
If there are any other questions on how to dye hair extensions, let us know below.
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